Minutes of meeting held November 2017




Cllr. M. Russell (Vice-chair)

Cllr J. Forrester

Cllr. M. Winnington

Cllr. R Edwards

G. Whelan (Clerk)

17/86 Apologies

BC R Sutherland and BC S Leighton and Cllr MacLeod

16/87 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


17/88 Previous minutes:

A point of clarity was made on complaints to the Highways department regarding the ditch verge being too deep on Brook Lane and new entrance way at the former Hand and Cleaver at Ranton Green.

17/89 Public questions:

No public were in attendance.

17/90 Finance matters

An outstanding invoice is yet to be paid for hire of the village hall (£80). The original invoice has been mislaid and a second will be requested by Cllr Russell.

Change of address and authorised signatories forms were signed which will now be submitted to Nat West bank to officially remove former Cllr Williams, and add on Cllr Edwards as authorised signatory.

Action: Cllr Russell will obtain an up-to-date statement from the bank while the forms are being processed.

17/91 Accounts to date:

The only payment to have cleared in the last month was £180 payment to SBC for annual civic amenity visits.

Grant Thornton has now signed off the last year's (2016/2017) annual audit and a £25 invoice is due to be issued.

An invoice for Cllr MacLeod's attendance at the Staffordshire Parish Council's' Association training session Good Councillor Guide (£35) is yet to be issued.

It is expected that there will be the expense of a Christmas tree and lights potentially next month.

17/92 Reports:

Footpaths: No footpaths have been walked by councillors in the past month.

Mowing: Last cut of the year.

Highways: It was confirmed to Cllr Edwards that only the local authority can conduct gulley cleaning.

Weed control will also be considered over the winter period.

Cllr Winnington highlighted that the county council should have a priority list of work that needs doing on its website.

Ongoing issue: On Brook Lane, Ranton Green, in vicinity of Orchard Cottage (The Stables), the verge has been dug right out to the tarmac, leaving a considerable drop at the side of the road. Flag up concern from parish.

The former Hand and Clever pub has made a new entrance and cut across the ditch in Brook Lane.

Action: The parish clerk will contact both county and borough councils.

17/93 Clerk's reports

Parish council newsletters have been distributed to households.

Ongoing action: Parish clerk to set up a meeting between Ian Knight, Cllr MacLeod and the parish clerk regarding the website and online storage of all the parish council's documents.

A potential Christmas tree has been sourced from David Bourne that is growing in his garden (approx. 24'). Cllr Edwards has spoken to Philip Jones (farmer) who has agreed to lift out the tree and fit outside the village hall green.

The Christmas tree will need new lights as the previous year's are broken. It was agreed the cost is expensive and therefore some work will be carried out to find a reasonably priced set.

17/94 Planning updates

Driveme - The previously arranged meeting had to be cancelled and another rescheduled for 22nd November 2008. Cllr Edwards has been asked to accompany Borough Councillor Sutherland, who on that date, will also be meeting with an Enforcement Officer and an officer from Environmental Health to visit Driveme and sites around the village, to monitor and discuss acoustic levels.

,Action: Cllr Edwards will update councillors at the next parish council meeting of the outcome of the meetings regarading Driveme.

17/95 To resolve on planning applications.

None received

17/96 Chairman's Questions/Items for Information/Next Agenda

Gulleys and highways will be added to the agenda along with the forthcoming year's budget and precept discussion.

17/96 Date of next meeting

The next parish council meeting will be held on Thursday 18th January, 2018 in Ranton Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk
