Meeting Minutes for November 2022




Cllr. D. Batchelor. (Chair)

Cllr. J. Forrester.

Cllr. B. Jeeves.

Cllr. M Russell.

Gayle Whelan. (Parish Clerk)

22\64 Apologies

Cllr M. Winnington was absent.

22/65 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:

Cllr Jeeves declared that his wife is a governor at All Saints primary and nursery school.

22/66 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday, October 27th 2022 were accepted as a true


22/67 Updates of actions:

Church mowings and weeding:

Action: Parish clerk to chase emails requesting information from StreetScene regarding when the

next mow will be and where cuttings are being disposed of, and Highways for weeding.

School: Attendance at school governor meetings will be carried out on an ad hoc basis, as and

when required.

Gulleys and weeding: Weeding is carried out twice yearly, however, it does not appear to have been

carried out recently. There is the potential to have it done privately and paid for by the parish

council. Action: Parish clerk to contact Highways to ask how\when weeding is carried out. Cllr

Russell offered to obtain a quote for weeding. Views of local residents could be sought on wild


Online banking: Councillors are still looking into how this may work and will continue to be explored

over forthcoming months.

22/68 Public question and response from the chair:

Gnosall Parish Council - At their monthly meetings, questions from the public are timed at two

minutes per person. It was felt that the limit was not a requirement at this time, but could be used as

and when necessary.

Stuart Jeffries - asked what the parish council was dealing with Sixth Gear (Drive Me). He has been

advised that complaints need to be made directly to the council. Cllr Russell contacted the planning

department (as a resident) for an update regarding previous planning restrictions, and a reply stated

that this is being looked into and contact will be made when further information is available.

22/69 Finance matters:

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for September 30, 2022 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £8,747.84 (cheques which had not been cashed at the statement date)

Cheques for room hire to Ranton Village Hall (£72) and Gayle Whelan (£254.75) were signed.

Action: the parish clerk will email councillors the Zurich policy schedule for the forthcoming year.

Reserve account:

The reserve account will be discussed once online banking is available.

Spreadsheet: Cllr Batchelor met with the parish clerk to finalise the spreadsheet and budget plan for



Forthcoming 2023/24 budget planning.

Salary: wage increase from April, but still within the allocated amount.

Mowing: awaiting quotes for the forthcoming year.

Civic amenity; £153 for two-hour visits, twice a year.

Website: no fees next year - chargeable every two years (payable 2024/25).

Weeding & gulley cleaning: £1250

Christmas tree: £300

Defibrillator: costings and how often?

Action: Parish clerk to report back on likely costs.

Training: £200 allowance - date for more in depth councillor training.

Action: parish clerk to look into dates for Cllr Jeeves.

Election costs: Parish clerk is currently looking into dates for the next parish councillor local


Action: Parish Clerk to contact the election team as to dates and costs.

VAT refund costs: No further correspondence from HMRC.

Action: Parish clerk to contact HMRC to obtain URN for completing returns online,

Newsletter printing: distribution - hand delivered or just electronically, on website and noticeboard

and facebook. It was decided that in the first instance it would be placed on the RPC website and



Village Hall Committee:

It was agreed that two posters regarding Christmas fayre and regular 'warm space' social coffee

morning can be placed on the parish council noticeboard.

Work is still ongoing and some coat hooks will be placed inside the toilet area outside of the main


Mowing: Grass has not been cut in the last month.

Highways: Potholes in Hextall Lane have not been repaired yet. Patch repairs have been cut in

Gnosall and Houghton. One sign in the village have been knocked sideways. This has been

reported to Highways.

Footpaths: Seighford walk footpath has been signposted more clearly.

Gulleys and weeding: Gulley cleaning was last carried out in 2020. Weeds now growing out of

gutters which are full of silt.

Action: Parish clerk to contact asking specifically weeding and gulleys.

All Saints School, Ranton: Chair wrote to Andy Summers regarding ad hoc contact and have said

the parish council will be invited on an ad hoc basis.

22/70 Parish Clerk report..

Forthcoming election details: It is unknown when the next parish councillor election will take place.

Action: parish clerk to look into when the next election is and likely costs.

22/71 Planning updates

Action: Parish clerk to forward on the planning email list to Cllr Batchelor.

Hextall Lane road closure for Ranton 10K on Sunday 20th November 22.

22/72 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19 at 7.30pm.

Signed................................................... Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk.