Minutes of meeting held November 15th 2018





Cllr. M. Russell (Chair)

Cllr. J. Forrester (Vice-chair)

Cllr. N. MacLeod

Cllr. R. Edward

Cllr M. Winnington.

18/111 Apologies

BC Ray Sutherland

18/112 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


18/113 Previous minutes:

The previous months' minutes were agreed as a true record.

18/114 Public questions:

None in attendance.

Updates on previous months' public questions:

Replacement of bollards

There is currently no update - the bollards have been ordered and are awaiting EDF in

Eccleshall to make contact regarding the date of installation.

Action: Mrs D Lloyd agreed to continue to pursue this matter on behalf of the council.


The flagpole has now been fitted.

Grass cutting

On the last cut, Streetscene did not cut the verges by Church Close. This was the last cut of

the year.

Action: Parish clerk to write to Streetscene to confirm areas to be cut in the forthcoming year

to also include the school grounds and verges by Church Close.

18/115 Finance matters

A cheque for civic amenities was signed by councillors for £380.

VAT refunds are applied for online.

Action: Clerk to advise the Council on the status of the submission for the refund on VAT.

18/116 Accounts to date:

No accounts were available for the meeting.

18/117 Reports:

a) Mowing: The last cut of the year has been carried out. The Streetscene contract is

to be renewed for next year - query missing areas - areas to mow within. Cllr

Edwards had taken a map in to show where would need to mown.

Action: Parish clerk to ask Mr Bailey for a quote for the whole village and school. Ask for

a quote for road sweeping twice a year or perhaps ask for a SLA to ensure that the roads

are clean. Clerk to email Cllr Winnington to print off an A3 map and defer to a decision in

January's meeting. Also quote for road spraying (which is conducted by the county

council). Add to January agenda.

b) Highways: Complaints and faults have been reported by Cllr Russell for a range of

issues throughout the village. Grit bins have also been requested.

c) Footpaths: There was no up-date on the condition of footpaths.

d) Gullies and weeding: Gulley emptying at collaborative, major roads yearly, smaller

twice, minor every three years. Prioritise Dog Lane and Hextall Bridge before winter.

18/118 Clerk's reports

Nothing to report.

18/119 Planning updates

There were no planning applications before the council.

18/120 Chairman's Questions/Items for Information/Next Agenda

Discussion regarding the use of Smart Water in Ranton. A company selling Smart Water, a

water-based liquid which can be painted onto property items. If 80% of villagers used the

technology to deter burglars, a preferential rate of £10 per bottle would be available.

Action: it was unanimously agreed that it should not be pursued.

A 20ft Christmas tree has been ordered (costing £230) which will be Friday 31 November, to

be put up on Saturday 1 December in time for the Christmas fayre on 8 December. Last

year's Christmas Tree lights were damaged.

Action: Cllr. Edwards will obtain new lights for this year's tree.

Cllr Russell discussed the decorate a window at All Saints Church by 16 th December.

Action: Cllr Russell will take this on. Councillors discussed lack of support and funding for

the church. There are normally only services once a month with joint services being held

with neighbouring churches. Information on the church's Christmas service placed on the

parish council's website.

It was also agreed that budget would be discussed at the forthcoming meeting.

18/121 Date of next meeting

The next parish council meeting will be held on Thursday 17 th January 2019 in Ranton

Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk
