Minutes of meeting held September 20th 2018




Cllr. M. Russell (Chair) Public: 1 person

Cllr R. Edwards

Cllr. M. Winnington

Cllr. N MacLeod

Parish Clerk G Whelan

18/89 Apologies

Cllr J. Forrester (Vice chair)

18/90 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


18/91 Previous minutes:

Minutes agreed as a true record.

18/92 Public questions:

Replacement of bollards

Mrs D Lloyd presented three quotations for replacement costs for the current bollards with 28 wooden ones, which includes removal of the current plastic bollards 22. The new bollards will extend along the entire grass verge opposite the Village Hall. Protect the churning up of the verges. Q It was agreed that the wider, sturdier posts would be better. It was agreed the quotes were reasonable and Campion was chosen as the supplier as they can provide larger sized bollards and have a track record having worked on contracts for SBC.

Vote: Cllr Winnington proposed using Campions at a cost of £1405.60.Cllr Russell seconded and a vote among councillors was unanimous.

Action: Mark Keeling has been asked to raise a permit for the work and when received, the parish clerk will contact Campions and ask them to complete the work as soon as possible.


The flagpole has still not

Action: Cllr. Forrester has the spare union flag, which RPC will arrange to be flown from the flagpole. - not done

18/93 Finance matters

Parish clerk reported the current account and reserve account balances.

18/94 Accounts to date:

Invoices received from Mr D Bourne for £35.00 for the removal and disposal of the Christmas tree. This was been handed to Cllr Edwards to pass on in person.

Cllr Russell produced invoices for website domain.

There has been no recent account activity in the past two months.

18/95 Reports:

  • Mowing: Verges have finally been cut. Churchyard had been badly cut, so Cllr Edwards spoke to the mowing teams and asked for the verges either side of Church Close to be cut also.
  • Highways: Bollards to be replaced as discussed under Public Questions. The state of the roads through the village was considered to be poor. Roads are also very wet.
  • Footpaths: Cllr Winnington has cleared footpaths on his farm. Mole traps had been set in the churchyard prior to the summer, however, these have been removed.
  • Gullies and weeding: Cllr Edwards has contacted Streetscene to enquire if a road sweeper could come through the village. Cllr Edwards asked specifically if the gulleys by Hextall Bridge so entrance into the village is clear. Two gulleys after Dog Lane are flooded before winter properly sets in. Cllr Edwards will continue pressing the issue.

Action: The Clerk is to contact our insurers to enquire about insurance to cover D Bourne to undertake weeding in the village. This may include the footpath through the church. However, this is the responsibility of the PCC and would need discussion with them.

18/96 Clerk's reports

The parish council website is now live, and minutes and agendas and relevant information will be updated regularly.

Action: The parish clerk will be responsible for updating the website and all information.

SBC Parish Forum takes place on Thursday 27 September at 7pm. Cllr MacLeod agreed to attend.

Action: Parish clerk will forward on meeting details via email.

18/97 Planning updates

There were no planning applications before the council.

18/98Chairman's Questions/Items for Information/Next Agenda

There have been numerous complaints regarding the Woodseaves Road closure, which is set to continue for a number of weeks.

18/99 Date of next meeting

The next parish council meeting will be held on Thursday 18thOctober, 2018 in Ranton Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk
